About us

Our vision is to ensure that each unprivileged child receives the necessary support to excel academically and experience personal growth.

Mission to provide scholastic materials to primary, secondary and higher education going children particularly vulnerable rural children.


The primary focus of our efforts as MENJA FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL is long-term Christian discipleship. We see this as an investment that we are making in the lives of current leaders as well as the next generation. pulvinar dapibus leo. Through many varied and creative programs, we are sowing into the lives
of those we influence. We maintain ongoing engagement with those whom we train
with long term fruit as our ultimate goal.

Provision of scholastic materials

The objective is that the unprivileged children will double their enrollment in schools and also increase daily attendance of schoolwhich will help them increase their privileges to the point of sustaining themselves, their siblings and community in Future

Leadership and Mentorship

This helps to change attitude and mind set of unprivileged children to become responsible and productive future leaders

Career Skills Development


The children are stalled between school and work. This is done through training them how to make books during holidays liquid soap and other income generating activities

The Government of Uganda introduced the Universal Primary Education(UPE) to provide free education, enrollment increased from 3.1 million pupils to about 11 million in 2019. But this success is overshadowed by the high dropout rates and poor-quality schooling which leads to the unprivileged child staying away from school due to several challenges. Cheap labor, gender inequality, low motivation of parents and teachers and lack of awareness of benefits of education among parents etc.

Children’s well being is hinged on the application of their rights. Many of Uganda’s children suffer because their rights are violated every day. Yet we know that the future of a nation is the children.

MENJA Fellowship Ministries International is a non-profit organization working towards empowering marginalized children and women with holistic interventions in Health, Livelihood, Education, Disaster Relief and Resilience since 2014.

MENJA Fellowship Ministries International head office is located in Kampala while field offices are in Mubende, Kabarole and Wakiso Districts.


MENJA Fellowship Ministries International coordinates “skill for sustenance” which is a program with a number of skilling projects; book making, paper bag making, soap making, tailoring and mushroom growing.

This program helps the children stay away from crimes like drugs, prostitution, early marriages.